Friday, October 25, 2013


Hi there! I hope everyone is finishing out a great week, and looking forward to fun stuff this weekend! We are headed to the fair this weekend and Coach and I have a date night on Saturday. So excited. Today I'm linking up with Casey Leigh for ON YOUR HEART.  I had a somewhat unrelated post already written for today, but this is what was on my heart this week. 

This is not an easy thing to talk about for me, so this is me really putting myself out there. As I've said before I'm famously private as an INTJ, but I really want to share certain struggles in my life in hopes that it may encourage someone else. 

As I mentioned before, since Henry was born, I have dealt with some crazy health stuff.

I could not get my mind and body under control for months and months, and spent an inordinate amount of time going to various doctors, and just plain being miserable. 

I kept going on and off various birth control pills and other medications that left me feeling even more miserable and not feeling myself.

And this was all while I was in the middle of grad school, running a research study, writing my thesis, planning to present my research, running a household, and trying to be a wife and mama. I knew that being under the amount of stress that I was under was certainly not helping anything, and life was just so cray for those two years. 

We are both out of school now (well... R is in flight school now) so things are slightly less crazy, but we did just go through a big move as well. Transitions are hard, and thankfully the Hege family has worked hard to handle the (many) transitions in our life in a positive way. AND- they are still hard. I'm currently unemployed- difficult for me in two ways. I'm always a worry wart about money- wanting to earn a gold star from Suze Orman and do things right. And I don't do "not busy" well.  I know this is 100% God's way of forcing me to slow my roll and trust in Him. He and I have had several conversations [ a day ] about this. 

The other day I was having a rough day, and so I decided to take Henry to the beach on base. Can you believe we had not been to a proper beach since moving here? It was so wonderful. I had to stand in the water with him almost the whole time holding hands with him so he wouldn't run into the water at full speed (no swimming on base).  I said on instagram that the beach is Henry's happy place, but who am I kidding, its totally mine too. (yay he did get one or two of my genes!) It did the trick and as we left I was feeling so much better and at peace, and Henry had the best time! He was so sad about leaving. Every time I said "time to go bye bye" he would lay face down on the sand and pretend to be asleep (which was kind of hysterical).
And P.S. It's not cold at all despite how it looks, H was over dressed to begin with haha. 









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