Monday, October 14, 2013


Hi there lovelies! I hope everyone had a great weekend! This weekend has been intense but good! 
So this is what I'm thankful for this week:

1.  We started potty training on Friday, using the three day method outlined by Becky of your modern family. I have to say that so far this has been good. We are not finished, as I write this, but I find her book is very common sense and non complex.  And Becky herself is the sweetest. She's also a play therapist, a profession which has a special place in my heart. I'm thankful that H seems to be ready to potty train- that makes life a little less expensive for us (diapers!) , but I'm not so ready for him to grow up! I am also thankful for other mamas who share their advice and make my life easier! 


2.  As always, I'm thankful for my dreamboat of a husband. I am also thankful that he is a personal trainer and has helped me get back into the gym. I feel better mentally and physically- for real- my back probs and circulation probs go away within a week of starting up again!  I'm inviting him later this week  for a series I'm starting called "Ask the Trainer". A few weeks ago I asked my followers on instagram if they had special requests for workouts. Stay tuned to see what he chose out of their requests! 


3. This Book is changing my life. I recommend it to so many people. I read it a few months ago and I am already re-reading it. The only book I have ever read twice is life of Pi, so that's saying a lot. It is so positive, and FUN and exciting, daring, and convicting. Bob (i use his first name because I imagine we are BFFs in my head) is basically my hero, AND he was a Young Life leader like I was in college so, I'm a  fan of that too (YL represent!!).


4. Pensacola Weather. Windows open and fans on.  Just sayin'. But really, we took the little guy outside  while potty training today to let him let loose and play "BEE BAAALLLLL" in his words. (The kid already has a mean lefty hit AND Pitch) and he was naked as a jaybird (we were in the back yard and potty training-- no judging!!) and it was just so so so  gorgeous outside. 

5. Friends! I have been trying to put more effort into friendships as of lately- and it has been SO so nice to reconnect with people. I really have such amazing people in my life that truly inspire me to be a better person.

Thats just a few things I'm thankful for lately, what are you thankful for? Y'all-- have a fabulous week! P. S. Come back tomorrow for a DELICIOUS post!


  1. Looking forward to robert's post. Would like suggestions for fitness for the older crowd.

  2. Haha, I remember growing up in Tallahassee. As a toddler, I was usually stark naked in our backyard :D And that book sounds pretty awesome -- I'll have to check it out! Hope you're settling in okay down there!
