Welp. It turns out potty training doesn't make for the most fashionable week. Who am I kidding, I don't think my LIFE lately makes for the most fashionable...anything. So I'm going to post what I have and then post what I dress like in my head .
Girl's night out! T'was nice to get out after day 1 of potty training. Bless my husband for taking the babe the rest of the night, after both he AND the babe were over potty training.
Top, Jeans, Shoes: J.Crew Outlet
Necklace: J.Crew
Earrings: Tarjay
Glasses: No name brand from my optometrist
(Y'all, can we talk about this for a second? Two pair for $80. I have been sans glasses for 2 months now because Henry decided to play with my glasses one day- and These were my one of two. LURVE. I have always wanted a sassy molassy pair of cat-eyes! )
AAAND potty training day...two? three? I lost count after 12 hours of potty-training...amazing..ness. 'least the shoes are cute!
Top: wait for it, J.crew outlet
Capris: Reebok
Shoes: Mizuno
And pair numero dose! The fly-away hairs cost extra. And I look pained. But I promise, I'm not.
No-name brand again.
Here is my pretend wardrobe:
Because boots are an integral part of potty-training attire, no? Love this outfit, and LC is fab.
And this is a super cute "fall transition outfit" I found on Pinterest. Honestly, with the way the temps are there, this could be my fall-fall outfit. Or even Christmas day outfit. But nevertheless, its cute!
P.S. Please forgive the lack of sources on images in this post, my poor little Mac is having maj. problems with the interwebs.
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