Thursday, October 24, 2013


Hey y'all! Hope your day is starting off lovely! A few weeks ago I started a series called "in my dreams" where I am showing my home in bits and pieces as-is and then posting inspiration ideas for what I'd like to do to these spaces in the future. I want to be clear that I think it is extremely important to "bloom where you are planted"- no matter where you move or no matter what you have to work with in your current home. I think it is always important to be thankful for what you do have. That said, I love dreaming up ideas to work with what I have or to sass things up in inexpensive/creative ways.  Today I am going to share what my studio currently looks like. I actually really like this space and find myself looking forward to being able to work in here. When you're the only lady in the house, and a mama in general, I think its nice to have a space that is your own in the home- even if it is just a corner to read in, or a chair that you can go to that is your space.

Now that I am out of school and can make art for fun and not for school - I am really enjoying being in here. I also blog in here and take photos in here because of the natural light. I chose to paint it white because I LOVE the photos of white studios I pinned on Pinterest and it also makes for really bright, pure light for photography. I never turn the overhead light on because its so bright in there.










I always have to have inspiration at hand. All of the watercolors here are done by my insanely talented grandfather who became an artist after retiring from being a neurosurgeon. Being a surgeon believe it or not requires a level of creativity, and definitely requires a lot of fine-motor skill. 

He got into painting in order to maintain both the creativity and his coordination. And he researches other artists constantly- always learning. He's my biggest inspiration and encourager with my art, and is always keeping me on my toes. He also shares his love of art and talent with my Aunt who is a very accomplished artist as well. I look up to both of them a lot. 


Frida is my home girl. She was such a character, and she is not the first person most people think of when asked who their favorite artist is. But she is for sure mine. She recorded her life through her art, and dealt with the horrific things she went through in her life through it. She also made a place for herself as a woman and artist amongst the big Surrealists of her time. Art was still a field widely dominated by men during her time- she and Georgia laid important ground for us women artists. Okay, I'll stop now. I could go on forever. 


Hope you enjoyed it! What is your favorite spot in your home? Do you have a space that is all your own? 


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