Thursday, October 31, 2013


Hi Loves! Hope you're having the best week! We are truckin' along over here. Yesterday there was a big Trick or Treat event on Palafox street in downtown Pensacola that we took H to. We decided to do our "Halloween" then because its supposed to rain tonight - and we wanted to see other kids and be around a lot of other people. Well it ended up being a HUUUUGE crowd wich was just to much for Coach and I so we lasted about 20 minutes and left. H didn't nap yesterday either so he was really tired but a good sport the whole time. 

Years ago I found a picture of a baby dressed up as the old man from "UP?" and I just had had had to do that for H now that he was walking this Halloween. He was a baby owl last year, another picture I found before I was even married and saved until I had kids. Both costumes were a lot of work to last only about 30 minutes but SO worth it. 


My mom used to make all my costumes when I was little and thats always been something I've wanted to do for my kids. I definitely don't have the sewing chops she has but I am creative enough that I can come up with stuff.


H already had all his clothing items needed, so I just had to buy balloons, foam board, and those glasses. all of which were from the dollar tree. I drew the UP house on the foam board and attached it to a little music-walker H has (with the music turned off). 


He actually kept the glasses on the whole time- surprisingly! I attached some elastic to the sides to hold them on. He LOVES my glasses and always says "GASSES!" when he sees me wearing them. so cute. 


I could not get a single picture of him pushing his house and balloons because he is fast as lighting and all over the place. He loved the balloons too! He calls them "moons!" because he is also obsessed with the moon and I guess "balloon" sounds like "moon" to him. He actually says it like "Moonaa" 


Happy Halloween y'all! I'd love to hear what everyone is/does for halloween and what everyone's babies dress up as too! 

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