As I mentioned last week, things have been a little stressful lately, but I always try to find the good in everything. Here are some things that have put a little pep in my step lately. I'm linking up with The good life blog today...even though I'm a minute or two late on that...
1. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. Whether or not you are in the mental health / social work fields, this book is something you should be reading. She's a social worker who spent 10 years of her life doing research on vulnerability, and ended up with thousands of stories and interviews that she analyzed and put into this book. She wrote this book to encourage parents and teachers, and...just people, to be vulnerable, to deepen their connections with one another. She is hilarious, and brilliant, and heartfelt, and just amazing. Do yourself a favor, go to Tarjay and pick yourself up a copy.
2. This view, and well, Starbucks. You can't really tell in this photo but this is the back porch of the Starbucks on base where my husband works. It looks out over a Bayou. Its basically gorgeous. Its my new "place" . And Starbucks, well that's self explanatory for why it puts a pep in my step ;).
4. My thesis in book form! Signed, Sealed, and Delivered. I'm official. And boy, I'm so so glad THAT is done. I actually know what it is like to have a book deadline, and...whew.
5. This. is. so. good. We moved from a place with a Trader Joe's to a place without a Trader Joe's. Can we have a moment of silence for that? Thanks, I feel better. So Now that means I have to spend more than $5 on an excellent bottle of wine. This, at $11 hardly breaks the bank. Its a lightly sparkling white wine. It is sweet, but not as sweet as a Moscato, and very refreshing on a hot FL. evening. When you head to Tarjay to get Daring Greatly, swing by the wine aisle and pick up a bottle. Yumsies.
6. I was in line minding my own business at my local Starbucks - which is in a Target by the way, (wow lots of Starbucks and Target in one post) and the lady in front of me orders a bottle of syrup. I know at one point that Starbucks sold a bunch of "do it at home" kind of stuff including some of their syrup but I thought that was a one time deal. I'd also heard of people paying insane amounts of money for PSL syrup purchased black-market style on ebay and such. But for $10 she got 1 litre of the good stuff. Obviously I'm a quick study and got my iced two pump americano with a side of one litre vanilla sugar free syrup and charge it please.
What are some things that have made you happy lately?