Saturday, August 31, 2013

on moving and being adventurous

This is my view as I sit on my parents' patio this morning, drinking a cup of 
 Pal's coffee. We are in the middle of the biggest move of our family's life to date. After living in the same place for almost 7 years, the Navy is moving us to our new home in Pensacola, FL. The truck pulled away from our house Monday after lunch with all but two carloads worth of personal belongings (p.s. its amazing how much a honda civic can hold). We will find ourselves in our new home mid afternoon Monday (God willing).  

First we stopped in our home state, NC for a minute and tried to see as much family as possible in our less-than-24-hours stay before heading to Johnson City, Tennessee (cue the OLd Crow Medicine Show sound track). Next we are on to ATL to see H's God mama and stay with an old friend of hers and Robert's.

Where I thought it would be immensely stressful to be house-less for a week, I feel like I've left my stress behind in VA. I know there are hours upon hours of painting and unpacking ahead of us in our new home, and I will have to start the process of making new friends and getting acclimated, but I feel like I've spent so much time getting excited about our move that I am seeing it (at least at this point) as an adventure. 

I feel in this season of my life that I need to embrace adventure more, and look at life more in that light, and embrace more. Becoming a mom definitely informed that change I'm trying to make. Where I was and have always been somewhat trepidatious of change, my husband and son always plunge full force into life- and figure things out when they need to. I love that about them, and as a mom, want to foster that as much as possible in Henry, even though I know he will end up on wild and crazy adventures that may involve something like getting lost in the chesapeake bay for 24 hours straight (thats another story for another time, and you'll have to ask dear Robert about that one.) 

I will miss my friends in VA dearly, but as every military spouse knows, if you don't move first, a dear friend will. We have friends scattered to the four corners of the earth and its nice to know that no matter where we go, we probably know someone nearby. 

 We spent a lottttt of time going through and getting rid of a ton of stuff (they say 3 moves are the equivalent to a house fire when it comes to purging things- and we are on move number 4) and have been dealing with some health problems. But now that we are in tip top shape and past the hard part of the move I hope to write more! 
